Weight Loss

Weight Loss

I recently hit my biggest weight ever. I was actually going hiking once a month and going to the gym three times a week, but I was still eating trash and I managed to weight gain. Some of it will have been muscle, but it feels like I would be kidding myself if I put down all my weight gain to that. I do seem to be loosing belly (albeit very slowly), but I was getting heavier. So I thought I would change up my diet a bit again try intermittent fasting and keep a track of it here.

I used to maintain 105kg while doing 2-4 hours of kung fu a week, so this seems like a good starting aim. If I got there and was quite muscular I would be happy with my results. Technically that is still obese according to bmi but if I have a low fat to body ratio it does kind of blow bmi out of the water.

My heaviest is 145kg after 2 weeks of intermittent fasting I am 141.2kg.


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