Category Archive Programming

The Pragmatic Programmer 20th-anniversary edition

Do I really need to read the pragmatic programmer 20th anniversary edition? I mean I read the original one years ago and loved it. So why waste the time? Well to be honest because I loved it! Why not see what I forgot and what is new?

Azure Services and Concepts

This is another notes dump. I'm working through a Pluralsight course called Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900). These are some of my notes from doing this course.

Assembly Language

So if you couldn't tell I'm actually a computer programmer by day. By night I'm a bit of a drag mother, who loves board games, mysticism, mystic artistic expression and to engage in philosophical and religious study. (Yes I am all over the place.) But ... computer programmer.

Adding Azure App Insights logging to Durable Functions

Firstly, when I approached this my question was "what are durable functions"? That question is best answered by beginning with what are Azure Functions. I need to prefix this with I am not someone who is in the know. I am making these notes as I learn things and I am no expert. It is likely this will contain information that is outdated or just plain wrong. Also I don't plan to keep it up-to-date, this is simply a dumping ground for my notes.

Primitive Obsession

I just learned this expression... I was complaining about the code using only basic datatypes and my boss agreed that it looked like "primitive obsession". My reaction: What??? there's a term for that???


What is SRE?

These are just my notes about Systems Reliability Engineering. This is something I have chosen to study as part of my work for a company called BankBI. By all means read it if you will, but I'm not really writing for readability. This is just a notes-drop from various courses.

The student surpasses the master

Okay, he hasn't surpassed me just yet... but I wrote in March about having a junior called Gareth. I look forward to the end of the month, where I not only celebrate his birthday with him, but also his second month in a programming role! Well done to Gareth who got his first programming role.

I have a junior!

So You may have seen my "I made it" post in 2016 when I joined the ranks of programmers, something I had been trying to do for a while. Well, it is time to turn around and give back to the communities I have formed around me and give them the opportunity that I had to seize for myself.

Arduino Programming

Most of the coding I do is very high level and so far removed from the physical technology I often feel like I don't actually know the basics of what my code is doing on system level. I feel like I want to round out my programming knowledge so I'm working with a fun Arduino and I bought a collection of LEDs, resisters, capacitors, a bread board, a motor, a sensor and I think I'm going to have a little bit of fun!