Who I am?

Who I am?

Okay so this is a blurb for the Life Coach page, but to describe myself in a nutshell here's what I have to say.

What I can tell you about me is: that I am gay, I am pro-trans-rights and generally, my political leanings are left. You don't need to be any of these things to use my services. I am neuro-diverse so I am very open to people being unqiue and different, in fact I often prefer people who are happy to present and enjoy what makes them special. I can be very logical and rational because of my unique brain so often I like to use CBT techniques to compartmentalise things, refine our mentalities around stuff and reintergrate them into a better holistic world view that supports us reaching our goals! You don't need to be neuro-diverse to use my services, but if you are neurodiverse what better can you expect from a coach than someone who understands what it's like to have your thinking so different from those around you.

I am a massive geek. When I was kid I played video games before it was cool. While I don't do this as much these days, my youth was so ingrained in that culture that I still get it today and most of my friends draw me back into it from time to time! I have watched Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate and Starship Troopers, so if that's your jam I might actually know what you're talking about. Other coaches might go cross-eyed when you try to man-splain Battlestar Galactica's politics to them, but not me. I am far more likely to talk to you in video game analogies than sports analogies, but I can still adapt to you if neither of these are your cup of tea. Life for me is about playing games and having fun. This seems to rub off on clients and their approach to life is a more fun one. Achievements are great, but not worth sacrificing your happiness for, otherwise what's the point?

I am fat. I have been told I was fat since I was 13 years old and with a renewed effort I am doing something about it. I am what is called a bear in the gay world which means I am always surrounded by people who love my thicker figure (other members of the bear community), but I am still trying to better myself, mostly for my health. I have never been the best at this and I certainly can't advise you on what's the best gym routine, but I can help you keep on top of yours using the methods that helped me maintain mine. I can help you with your weight loss plan, but with 0 jugement when you de-rail it because I know what it is like to fail at this. During the pandemic, I put on an additional third of my weight. I used to weigh 75% of what I weighed a few weeks ago! Finally, I committed to lose it. So far I have lost 5%, but I have 20% more to go! I believe in me and in you and your ability to do it, but I can't judge you if you slipped up, had a korma and missed two zumba classes, because I know I was probably there 3-4 months ago!

I love my old movies and television. I recently went to a Solve-Along Murder She Wrote and Golden Girls is one of my favourite background tv programs when I am cleaning. I have seen them all, but still love them. Nostalgic movies from the 80s is one of my most common ways to recover my energy. Don't judge me, but Flight of the Navigator, Short Circuit, Batteries Not Included, The Haunting [1960] and Dune are DVDs in my house which never collect dust. (Yes I still have DVDs; not everything is on Prime quite yet).

I have done drag and love it, but the greatest fantasy I am already living. I love to sing, perform, give banter and my stand-up routines have nearly killed someone. They couldn't breathe because they were laughing too much. Yes I you could say I totally slayed, but more like Buffy the Vampire Slayer than like Rupaul.

My spirituality is an important part of me, but I also recognise spirituality is not the be all and end all. I believe the universe is made of pure joy and we often have things in the way to stop us experiencing it. One of the things that can stop us is trying to reach for some more spirituality sometimes. I love the Buddha, but I think he was wrong... suffering is not the nature of the universe, suffering is the delusion we surround ourselves with that stops us experiencing the ecstasy of pure being. But what's the point in experiencing pure being? It might feel good, but sometimes so does walking into the office in the most fashion forward outfit possible. Spirituality is just another experience why should it be treated like its better than other experiences? Frankly, it takes a lot of effort and if you would rather go Bowling with your friends, it's your choice and just as valid an experience. Too many spiritual people are too hauty because of their belief or practices, they think they're better. This is just another form of materialism... it's spiritual materialism. In fact I rarely believe anything, I just practice to obtain different experiences, but sometimes when I see people really happy for wanting to collect every type of Nike sneaker then I wish I could be so easily made happy rather than committing to meditation and ritual.

Anyway. That's me in a nutshell and there's a whole lot more to love hunny. Come meet me and find out!


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